November 16, 2011

Comic 25 - The Dance-A-Thon

First, I apologize for taking SO long to update this, moving and work have me busy. But soon I will update regularly again. Also, if you were unaware of it, there is (was) a 24-hour Cancer Dance-A-Thon. Check it out at Do it next year, you won't regret it.

October 4, 2011

Comic 014 - Tap Water

Comic 013 - Electric Slide

Better late than never. I'm gonna try and upload a picture every day this week. They are from a collection of comics I did for Various forms of dancing, but I mainly focused swing dancing. This week, and maybe next too, will be most of those... enjoy.

September 19, 2011

Comic 010 - West Coast Swing

West Coast Swing is a type of dance style. Look it up you lazy bum.

September 15, 2011

Comic 009 - Break Dancing

Ya, I know... no comics for awhile, I'm setting up a bunch right now to post on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'll be back with some better stuff (continuing my series) starting October. Life happens, deal.

September 6, 2011

Comic 008 - Sock Hop

So I had a very crazy and full weekend, hardly any sleep. It all started on Thursday and just kept going. Actually it was a blur from Tuesday on. This comic is obviously not part of the series, but hopefully I'll have one for you tomorrow.

Oh, and Sock Hop is a old dance reference from the 50s. I'd recommend looking it up if you didn't know already.

August 24, 2011

Comic 005 - Square Dancing

Hey everyone, I'm hoping to have the new series ready for posting on Monday. I've got the new series sketched out, I just need to ink, text, and scan, and clean up. The comics being posted now or from last year or 2 years ago. Some of them are very sterile in art form (like the one above) Some, (like the first one I posted) were hand drawn on the computer, no scan. What I'm currently working on is a full old style comic strip; jokes written down in a scrap book, hand drawn sketches, inked finalized artwork, hand written text, scanned, and cleaned and posted. It's a lot more work, but for the quality of art that I want to post, that's what's going to happen. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it.

August 22, 2011

Comic 004 - Jitterbug

New comic series coming soon, with characters and a story. Seriously! I'm working on it.

August 15, 2011

Comic 002 - Balboa Dancing

Just in case you don't get this, I'd suggest looking up the type of dance called Balboa. It'll make more sense.